Heavy Duty Alternator

New Part Numbers

We actively monitor catalog usage and evaluate cross-reference requests. As a result, we update the catalog with more cross-reference part numbers to help you.

ASE Certified Truck Technician of the Year!

Find out who was named the Delco Remy® ASE Medium | Heavy Truck Electrical | Electronic Systems Technician of the Year.

Delco Remy 31MT™: The Trusted Choice for School Bus Fleets

The Delco Remy 31MT is at the top of the class for school bus starter options!

Measuring Current Draw of a Bus

How you can determine if your alternator has sufficient output for your vehicle.

Diagnosing Starter Systems with Smart IMS

As the Smart IMS continues to become more prevalent in use, it’s important for technicians to know the troubleshooting techniques for starters equipped with a Smart IMS.

New Thermal Parts Numbers

Our online catalog continues to grow as a key resource!